Samitivej Hospital Sukhumvit is a highly reputed private hospital that provides exceptional healthcare services to both local and international patients. The facility has a dedicated team of highly qualified healthcare professionals and state-of-the-art facilities that make it stand out from its competitors in Thailand.

Samitivej Hospital Sukhumvit was founded in 1979 by a group of physicians as a single-specialty clinic specializing in obstetrics and gynecology. Later, it was transformed into a full-fledged hospital to provide multi-specialty care. Since then, the hospital has consistently maintained its position as one of the leading private hospitals in Thailand.

At Samitivej Hospital Sukhumvit, patients can access a wide range of healthcare services that cover various fields. The medical staff caters to patients' individual needs, ensuring that they receive the best possible treatment for their condition.

One of the specializations of the hospital is maternity care. Women can get antenatal, prenatal, and postnatal care services from the hospital's expert obstetricians and midwives. Samitivej Hospital Sukhumvit provides a range of delivery options, including natural births, water births, and cesarean sections.

Another specialty of the hospital is pediatric care. The hospital has a team of expert pediatric specialists who collaborate with other healthcare professionals to ensure that children receive comprehensive care. From screening to vaccination and treatment of different medical conditions, the hospital takes great care of its young patients.

The hospital also provides a full range of medical, surgical and dental services, including cardiology, gastroenterology, neurology, dermatology, dental care, and fertility treatment, among others.

Samitivej Hospital Sukhumvit has a reputation for providing the highest quality healthcare services to its patients. The hospital's quality management team ensures standardization, improvement, and quality assurance for all its services. The facility has also been accredited several times by internationally recognized institutions, including the Joint Commission International and Temos. These accreditations are a testament to the hospital's commitment to providing high-quality patient-centered care.

Samitivej Hospital Sukhumvit is situated in the heart of Bangkok, making it easily accessible by public transport. Its location is in a vibrant and convenient neighborhood that provides patients with an excellent opportunity to explore the city. Patients who require long-term care can access the hospital's outpatient clinic in the nearby Emporium shopping mall.

Samitivej Hospital Sukhumvit has earned several awards for its excellent services over the years. In 2021, the hospital was awarded the Best Hospital in Thailand by Global Brands Magazine. Similarly, in 2020, the hospital received recognition as the Best International Hospital in Thailand by the International Medical Travel Journal (IMTJ). These awards reflect the hospital's consistent commitment to the provision of high-quality healthcare services.

Samitivej Hospital Sukhumvit provides exceptional healthcare services to patients, both local and international. With its skilled healthcare professionals, world-class facilities, and commitment to providing the best care to patients, the hospital stands out as one of the leading healthcare providers in Thailand. Patients who are seeking quality healthcare in a warm and caring environment can trust Samitivej Hospital Sukhumvit to deliver excellent services.


Samitivej Hospital Sukhumvit
About Us:

At Samitivej, We’re prepared To Evaluate a Wide Variety of Conditions.

Allergies are on the rise all around the globe, including in Thailand. A decade ago, the rate of asthma among children in Bangkok was 4.2 percent. Today, that figure has increased to 13 percent and continues to rise. Another common respiratory allergy, sinusitis, is now present in 20 percent of the local population. Meanwhile, more and more people are showing signs of food allergies, some of them severe enough to be life-threatening.

Several factors are contributing to the dramatic increase in respiratory allergies in Thailand. Air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, dust from the streets, cigarette smoke, industrial plants and vehicle exhaust from Bangkok’s congested roads all add to the disturbing trend. Changes to the local lifestyle have also exacerbated the problem. Traditional Thai homes are open to the surrounding air and natural environment. In contrast, many contemporary, Western-style homes are poorly ventilated and contain pets and carpets filled with dust and mold. All this ensures that inhabitants are continually inhaling a steady stream of allergens, thereby stimulating the body to produce antibodies.

Our highly trained team of specialists at Samitivej helps provide accurate diagnoses for respiratory and other allergies, as well as fast treatment for immediate relief.

  • Diagnosis of asthma or other respiratory conditions
  • Evaluation of conditions. The cause may be varied due to sinus inflammation, muscular aches and pains, or a result of medication related to hypertension
  • Diagnosis for allergic reactions due to climatic change, chronic common cold or sinusitis
  • Treatment of allergic rhinitis
  • Evaluation of inflammation of the skin due to allergy (atopic dermatitis)
  • Diagnosis of food allergies
  • Diagnosis of drug allergies
  • Diagnosis of insect sting allergies (from bees, wasps, hornets)
  • Diagnosis of immunodeficiency disease
  • Diagnosis of chronic cough
  • Diagnosis of hives (urticarial)

There are several primary methods of testing for allergies. We offer all of the following tests:

  • Skin test for allergy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Drug desensitization
  • Blood test for allergies